Anthro Myth
Who is the Anthro Myth Artist?
Neil Thompsett, M.A., is passionate about telling stories through various artistic media. His main influences are anthropological and archaeological theories meshed with mythology, science fiction and fantasy, and his personal experiences in order to depict captivating narrative themes and concepts. He creates his own anthro myths every day he is alive.
Neil is currently a working archaeologist in the field of Cultural Resource Management. Before he returned for his masters, he had a decade-long career as a roto/paint artist in the visual effects industry, training various artists in Vancouver B.C., Canada; Jinan, China; and Mumbai, India. Neil uses both his professional and personal experiences to create his art.
What is an Anthro myth?
Any story or myth loosely based in fact, and created by a human being, is technically an anthro myth. However, Neil Thompsett believes an anthro myth must have one of two specific elements:
The climatic or social environment provokes the character to act.
The character explores some form of perspective shift.